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Atom - Text Editor

You need a text editor able to save, or preserve, files in UTF-8 encoding. We strongly recommend Atom from since its simply awesome. One of its many advantages for you as a translator is that it can split the window vertically or horisontally one or multiple times. It also has a ton of extra features you can install to help you in your work if needed. A nice feature is that it will color the xhtml tags for you, making it easier to distinguish between content and markup. Atom is free and open source, available on Windows, Mac and Linux.

An e-pub reader

You need an e-pub reader. If you use Microsoft Windows, Mac or Linux we recommend Calibre which is free. Get Calibre for Win or Mac OS or Linux (use apt-get or similar).

Dropbox for files (optional)

We can share the files through to avoid the hassle of transferring them back and forth through Upwork. Dont have one? Go register an account at A Dropbox Basic account is free and includes 2 GB of space. Note that using Dropbox is optional.

Next Step

When you have all the prerequisites covered and you are ready to do some work, please jump to the howto page.